Somos un equipo dedicado al desarrollo de soluciones digitales world-class para eLearning, eHealth e ePublishing. Creamos aplicaciones móviles, web apps sofisticados y ambientes de eLearning para compañías en Estados Unidos, Australia y Colombia.
Somos expertos en el desarrollo de soluciones integrales, que en lo largo del tiempo han sido de gran ayuda para la industria de la salud, nuestra experiencia en este mercado es amplia, entendemos y comprendemos de primera mano las necesidades del sector salud.
En estos tiempos modernos, el aprendizaje en línea tiene un gran impacto en la sociedad, y nuestro equipo se ha enfrentado a diferentes retos de desarrollo de software, con grandes plataforma de aprendizaje virtual.
Nuestra experiencia en esta área, va desde la virtualización de grandes bibliotecas, como el desarrollo de soluciones web, que complementan la lectura y el aprendizaje para diferentes organizaciones.
Los portales web que desarrollamos, tiene un foco principal y es la experiencia de usuario, nuestro equipo analiza, construye y diseña rutas de usuario, con el fin de crear una interacción única y moderna de navegación.
Integro en

Apps developed
Years of experience
Happy Customers
Integro is a company that specializes in developing interactive content and platforms mainly for eLearning, eHealth and ePublishing as well as Applications for Realty operations and eFinance for companies both local and in the US (80% of our revenue last year originated in the US). We have developed interactive content for companies that range from Pearson to organizations such as NextU , Open English and the Department of Education of the state of Virginia.
We have developed web platforms and mobile applications using a variety of technology stacks both starting from scratch and taking on legacy code.
We have a team of designers, web developers, instructional designers, illustrators, animators and mobile developers that come together to create stellar solutions for our clients.
In terms of our capabilities we operate in Medellín and have an in-house team of 35 people supplemented at any time from anywhere between 10 and 30 freelancers. Roughly half of our team is involved in motion graphics, instructional design, animation, translation, page layout, graphic design and the other half is software development and interface design.
We have developed web platforms and mobile applications using a variety of technology stacks both starting from scratch and taking on legacy code.
We have a team of designers, web developers, instructional designers, illustrators, animators and mobile developers that come together to create stellar solutions for our clients.
In terms of our capabilities we operate in Medellín and have an in-house team of 35 people supplemented at any time from anywhere between 10 and 30 freelancers. Roughly half of our team is involved in motion graphics, instructional design, animation, translation, page layout, graphic design and the other half is software development and interface design.

Development and interactive content design